GazipurShaheen Cadet Academy

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Speech of Honorable Managing Director Sir Mohammad Sohel Rana Chowdhury

In celebration of two decades, I extend heartfelt greetings to all branch directors,coordinator, teachers, scholars and guardians of Gazipurshaheen Cadet Academy. From the beginning of my life, I embrace the belief that ” education can soap, a thoughtful mind”. thus in my professional journey, I nurtured a mind set to spread the light of education in every household, I established Gazipurshaheen Cadet Academy. Over the time Gazipur shaheen Cadet Academy’s success and influence have ground racing seven districts including Gazipur , Noakhali, Brahmanbaria , Chandpur,Narshingdi ,kishorganj and Mymensingh with 25 branches in the whole country. However the aspiration remains to establish all districts of Bangladesh expanding educational service throughout the country In sha Allah


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